Ellen Fowler
Professional Massage Therapy

About Me

     After many years of being involved with holistic healing, I decided to establish a practice with credentialing.  Having attended the Polarity Realization Institute in Ipswich with credentialing from Spa Tech Institute curriculum  I graduated top in my class from the holistic massage therapy class.  Very shortly after graduation and opening my holistic practice,  I realized that society wasn't quite ready for holistic healing and immediately went back to school with Dr. Ben Benjamin to obtain an Orthopedic  Certification.  I obtained my professional status through continuing education with MTI, Cortiva and the American Massage Therapy Association because there is always something new to learn to bring my practice of professional massage therapy to the highest level.  The recent Congress on Fascia (the protective net around each muscle and organ) brought me to a whole new level.  

     I present to you with a diverse eduction and many, many years (20 + years) experience and work hand in hand with your Orthopedist, Chiropractor and Physical Therapist.  The majority of my clients are referred to my office by a medical professional.

     I have expanded my practice beyond massage and polarity to include hypnosis, crystals and essential oils.  Your treatment may include massage as well as Chinese medicine or be purely energy work depending on your presenting symptoms.

     I look forward to seeing you in my office.  Namaste!